Crane aimed to share a sentiment about placement in the world and having an existential understanding. Psychedelic textures and indie rock melodies come together in a mesmerizing dance, transporting the listener to a whole new dimension.”

Goathead Records: "At the Edge of the World" Delivers a Powerful Anthem of Survival and Defiance

June 15, 2024

A Compelling Journey Through Existential Contemplation and Emotive Rock Soundscapes

Goathead Records: Benton Crane Transcends Reality with Psychedelic Indie Rock Gem 'Melt (Void)'

May 16, 2024

Experience the Raw Passion and Ethereal Soundscape of Benton Crane's Latest Release, Produced and Mixed by the Artist Himself.

Bad Wolf Records: Benton Crane Unveils "Living Outstretched" - An incredible auditory experience that explores liminality in the quest for purpose and meaning

Mar 19, 2024

"Dynamism and creativity are characteristics that are increasingly valued as they..."

Westword: The Best New Music by Colorado Musicians Released in January

JAN 24, 2024

"Boulder independent music maker Benton Crane plans to stick to his ambitious New Year’s resolution of releasing one new song each month until August. He kicked off 2024 by sharing “Invisible Child” on January 23..."

303 Mag: Benton Crane Then, Now and An Organic Future

Dec 6, 2023

"Having intensely honed his craft over the past year, Crane says he’s become more definitive in his sound, with these eight new songs being a “more raw and transparent trip into my head.” He compared his ever-progressing songwriting process with a relatable metaphor — “It’s sort of like, I didn’t worry too much about tidying up before guests arrive so what you hear feels very genuine and unapologetically authentic..."